Latest release

Release date : 01/15/2025
Music Collection - 8.14MB

md5: 306737F15C44B8C24006480BDA1A53EF
sha1: 58A9EE6046172ACE477DE71851F18CFA269E8A47
sha256: 85D3A95F16AFE3BE6ADFC5DC27B0E9820D11AD80927FE15C57D4747EF671D40D

Portable edition - 8.96MB

md5: 3BCB4DA2175A8B251B955382C284E74B
sha1: F34B5F2F3E3E6AC01A700059E1D81D3496E50522
sha256: 51E2EFF60D8BA4124040AB389909A5F625AA28D151990AF61DBB81A6F5E027CF
GSoft4U-Music Collection-features
Program main features
  • The program creates the collection's database in a Microsoft Access format, so if you want later, you can use it, without the help of the program.
  • The user can create as many as different collections wants.
  • Accepts all kinds of musical media (cd, lp, dvd-a, etc.).
  • Specially customized to add and edit classical music albums.
  • For every album the program saves all media contained, every medium tracks and the lyrics for every track.
  • Presents albums using filters or without.
  • Lists selected albums in a grid or using images (default setting).
  • Presents all items contained in the album, in one page for an easy album overview. The details that are shown there are: album cover, album artists, notes, the tracks of each medium, the lyrics of each track and the duration of each one, as well as the total duration of the album.
  • Exports album information to html file.
  • Manages all program data, such as a list of singers, composers, etc.
  • Manages artist information (biography, best albums).
  • Prints all the data shown in each table..
  • Creates reports, which you can configure by your preference..
  • Manages album loans.
  • Shows collection statistics.
  • Searches for tracks and opens the album medium that contains them.
  • Advanced album searching, using every possible criterion.
  • Retrieves data from the Internet, such as cd info, album cover, artist information, tracks, and the lyrics of each track etc.
  • Skinable. The user can select from 30 different skins.
  • Multi-language support.
What's new
01 15 2025
Released build
minor version(just bug fixes)

  • Added : Select reports.
  • Added : Bitrate field in tracks.
  • Added : Increased the Performer/Composer lists count.
  • Added : Collection properties > Open collection in Explorer.
  • Fixed : The "Out of system resources" error.

01 10 2025
Released build

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