What's new in Music Collection 3.7
September 3, 2024
- Added : New look and functionality in the embedded audio player.
- Added : Equalizer and lyrics in the audio player.
- Added : Open external playlist.
- Added : Option to add artist biography in the presentation page.
- Changed : Improved artist biography downloading for non English names.
- Fixed : Album medium duration resets to 0 when inserted manually.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 3.6
October 10, 2023
- Added : Details view for the audio file tracks.
- Added : "Lyrics" and "Audio files" search conditions in the track search dialog.
- Added : "Notes" field in the export columns.
- Added : Find albums with no cover in Advanced search.
- Added : Add loan by barcode.
- Added : Find audio album broken links in the Advanced album search.
- Added : Create audio album external playlist.
- Added : Grid Sorting option "Artist + Released + Format".
- Added : Album ID number in the album properties.
- Added : Artist + Released + Format sorting option.
- Added : Bulgarian language.
- Added : Search for text in the "Scan for audio files" results.
- Added : Option to cancel the audio file saving to albums.
- Added : Location in the album grouping options.
- Added : Ability to add more artists in the non classical albums.
- Added : Ability to insert an additional album art.
- Added : MusicBrainz link on album save.
- Added : Instruments field in the advanced album search.
- Changed : Track search dialog.
- Changed : Many internal improvements.
- Changed : Improved tag reading of M4A audio files.
- Fixed : Error on track list scrolling.
- Fixed : Wrong track positions after scanning.
- Fixed : Program cannot remember the last window layout.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
- Fixed : Album list sorting problem.
What's new in Music Collection 3.5
April 5, 2022
- Added : Ability to resize the album covers in the images view.
- Added : Search Last played albums between two dates in the advanced album search.
- Added : Load all the album genres found in the Discogs search.
- Added : Sound visualizations in the audio player.
- Added : Track list row height adopts to the selected font size.
- Added : Ability to read some user assigned tag values in audio file scan.
- Added : Spars code in the album fields.
- Added : Spars code in the Advanced album search and Reports.
- Added : Open the album presentation page from the track view.
- Added : Play random album.
- Added : Ability to paste text in lists.
- Added : Bonus field in tracks.
- Added : Playback track in the track search dialog.
- Added : Open the manage artists dialog from the album presentation view.
- Added : Bonus field in tracks.
- Added : Playback track in the track search dialog.
- Added : Open the manage artists dialog from the album presentation view.
- Added : Matrix id in the grid column fields.
- Added : Matrix id in the report fields.
- Added : Korean language.
- Added : Third order by field in Reports.
- Added : F5 shortcut for saving in the album properties.
- Added : Search in the Manage program data dialog.
- Added : Select font and font size in reports.
- Added : Scale graph in statistics.
- Added : Show only audio file tracks in the track view.
- Added : Update audio files location.
- Added : Word wrap functionality in the album presentation notes.
- Changed : Improved the audio file scan function.
- Changed : Many internal improvements.
- Changed : Several improvements in Statistics.
- Fixed : Inability to check for program updates.
- Fixed : Error during album saving, when a field value exceeds the field width.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
- Fixed : Composer value not extracted from the file tags.
- Fixed : Ole error in Export Albums.
- Fixed : Merging albums in the audio file scan.
- Fixed : Problem not showing the actual album artist.
- Fixed : Error message on changing track position.
- Fixed : Error while creating a Report.
What's new in Music Collection 3.4
July 31, 2021
- Added : Scan for album covers.
- Added : Play random audio files.
- Added : Open audio album folder in the Explorer.
- Added : Option to select action on album list double-click.
- Added : Artist and Last played fields in the bach change fields.
- Added : Last played field in Export albums and Advanced album search.
- Added : Check all album list option.
- Added : Ability to select the file formats to scan for in the scan audio files.
- Added : Show album cover in the reports.
- Added : Ability to add the album's Back cover.
- Added : Show back cover in the presentation page.
- Added : Images to Export albums > Excel. (Excel must be installed).
- Added : Move/Rename audio file folders dialog.
- Added : Option in the HTML export to save the album images in the export location.
- Added : Program settings option to increase the grid row height.
- Added : "SlotNo" in the import wizard fields.
- Added : Ability to import tracks for all mediums in the Web search > Add to saved album.
- Changed : Html page print preview.
- Changed : Updated the "Copy to all mediums" function.
- Changed : Many improvements in album track lyrics.
- Changed : Increased the album medium number limit to 200.
- Fixed : Advanced album search issue.
- Fixed : Hidden group item after the album editing.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 3.3
October 04, 2020
- Added : Opus audio file format.
- Added : Batch track field value change.
- Added : Alphabar button for numeric values.
- Added : Load track titles from a text file.
- Added : Paste track titles.
- Added : Number of copies field in grid view and reports.
- Added : Show reverced names on second click to Alphabar button.
- Added : Bought date interval in Advanced album search.
- Added : Composer field in track search.
- Added : Additional search in tracks when looking for artist/composer in advanced album search.
- Added : Track composer field in exports.
- Added : Artist\Composer helper lists in the track properties..
- Added : Select Artist role to all checked albums at the audio file scan dialog.
- Added : Create log for the files that could not be processed during the audio file scan.
- Added : WV audio file format.
- Added : Automatically repair database on album save failure.
- Added : Update the audio album ID if the album location is changed.
- Added : "Packaging" and "Bought from" fields in batch value change.
- Added : Ability to add new packaging types.
- Added : Invert track order.
- Added : "Single" field to the extra album features.
- Added : Drag audio file folders in the "Scan audio files" dialog.
- Added : Ability to save multitrack audio files as normal albums.
- Added : Play multitrack audio files using the cue sheet.
- Added : Import track data from CD.
- Added : Location field in the batch change fields.
- Added : ID field in the export albums
- Added : Brazilian Portuguese language.
- Added : Alt+x hotkey for program termination.
- Added : Option to delete orphan covers on backup restore.
- Added : Ability to edit multiple album mediums before saving.
- Added : Open track folder and track properties options in the track list popup.
- Changed : Many internal improvements.
- Changed : Advanced album search returns results for all mediums.
- Changed : Improved the web search-Add to saved album function.
- Changed : Album Notes interface.
- Fixed : Wrong field positions after changing field order.
- Fixed : Incorrect sorting on the "Last played" column.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs
What's new in Music Collection 3.2
March 27, 2020
- Added : Album title in track search fields.
- Added : Slot No field in the track search results.
- Added : "Add to saved album" function in Add album - CDText.
- Added : Save user settings in web search.
- Added : Button to clear lists in album properties.
- Added : Merge duplicate albums in duplicate search dialog.
- Added : Artist name in Musicbrainz search results.
- Added : Button to copy first medium data to all mediums.
- Added : Import/Export tab delimited text files.
- Added : Number of copies field.
- Added : Notes field in the advanced album search.
- Added : Save print settings in the report preview dialog.
- Added : Ability to select multiple albums.
- Added : Delete, merge selected albums.
- Added : Move albums to another collection.
- Added : Search artist image on Google.
- Added : Artist biography in more languages.
- Added : Greater resolution images from discogs.
- Added : Album image is added automatically when copied in Google.
- Added : Save/Load export configuration.
- Added : Option to change list's font.
- Added : dsf/ddf audio file types.
- Added : Option to change track's genre at the batch field value change.
- Changed : Some interface changes in scan for audio files dialog.
- Changed : musicbrainz will be used in place of the freedb data source.
- Changed : Track artist field size increased.
- Fixed : Some bugs in the "Manage artists" dialog.
What's new in Music Collection 3.1
April 30, 2019
- Added : Save/Load report file.
- Added : Field sorting in the web search results.
- Added : Function to load user discogs collection in the web search results.
- Added : Resize embedded audio player and save its size.
- Added : Wikipedia Link in Artists.
- Added : "Artist + Track title" sorting option in track view.
- Added : French help file.
- Added : Google search for lyrics in album properties.
- Added : Multiple track artists using MusicBrainz.
- Added : Last played field in albums.
- Added : Last played sorting option.
- Added : Installation translated to different languages.
- Fixed : Problem downloading lyrics.
- Fixed : Playback problems.
- Fixed : Error on album playback with the embedded player, while other album is playing.
- Fixed : Problems searching and adding albums using the Musicbrainz data source.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 3.0
April 04, 2019
- Added : Collection password.
- Added : Value and Media status fields.
- Added : Clear button in Web search.
- Changed : Removed all the Amazon resources from the program.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 2.9
November 16, 2017
- Added : Update saved album in the web search.
- Added : Track composer at presentation page.
- Added : Album filtering in the web search results.
- Added : Web search > New artists are saved on file.
- Added : Artists category in manage program data.
- Added : Synchronization with database in Manage program data dialog.
- Added : Create new medium button in album properties.
- Added : User defined grid layouts on main menu.
- Added : Albums on shelf view.
- Added : Option to enable/disable input suggestions and automatic capitalization.
- Added : Embedded audio player.
- Added : Clone album.
- Added : Country, Catalog number, Reissue date at presentation page.
- Added : Automatically save multi-medium albums at "Scan audio files" dialog.
- Changed : Improved the audio file scanning and saving.
- Fixed : Amazon request problem.
- Fixed : Discogs authentication error.
- Fixed : Save to multi-medium album, after scanning for audio files.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 2.8
January 30, 2017
- Added : Dutch language.
- Added : Box value filtering on user input in album properties > media data.
- Added : Box value filtering for medium data in advanced search.
- Added : Musicians field in grid view.
- Added : Performers field in grid view.
- Added : Musicians, Performers in the album grouping options.
- Added : Instrument and Role fields.
- Added : Musician/Instrument, Performer/Role fields combination.
- Added : Musicians in the artist roles.
- Added : Artist field in Search song.
- Added : Genre,Year fields in the track table.
- Added : Composer field in the track table.
- Added : Web search automatic retreival of performer-role, musician-instrument pairs where available.
- Changed : Increased the number of musicians, performers that can be entered to 10.
- Fixed : Grid view scrolling to the left on row change.
- Fixed : Error on adding a new artist, if the artist role length is greater than 20.
- Fixed : Problem working with the artist images.
- Fixed : Inability to add duplicate artist names in the artists database.
- Fixed : Skinning problems on Windows XP
- Fixed : Jpeg #53 errors.
What's new in Music Collection 2.7
September 02, 2016
- Added : Czech language.
- Added : Web link field in reports.
- Added : Progress bar on album list loading.
- Added : Aplly location button.
- Added : Wildcard support in advanced search.
- Added : Merge albums in audio file scan.
- Changed : Bought date field in album properties.
- Changed : Increased image width in album presentation.
- Changed : Increased artists field width.
- Fixed : Unreadable characters in Reports > Export to pdf.
- Fixed : Truncated dialog width when using custom skin.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 2.6
May 03, 2016
- Added : Artist field in classical music albums.
- Added : Shortcut support.
- Added : Matrix id field.
- Added : Polish language.
- Added : Swedish language.
- Added : Artist weblink field.
- Added : Released field in the image view sorting options.
- Added : Duplicate album search.
- Fixed : Program position in dual monitor screen.
- Fixed : Out of memory problem while scanning for audio files.
- Fixed : Unreadable characters in audio album info.
- Fixed : Fail to connect to discogs when SSL is missing.
- Fixed : Fail to retreive the artist information.
- Fixed : Fail to play cd tracks when program is open.
- Fixed : Cover search in Google images.
- Fixed : Duplicate artist folders.
What's new in Music Collection 2.5
March 05, 2016
- Added : German language.
- Added : Open loaned album properties in loans.
- Changed : Album artist input format.
- Fixed : Album state does not change after loan completion.
- Fixed : Problem retreiving album data form Discogs.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 2.4
January 05, 2016
- Added : Danish language.
- Added : Merge collections.
- Added : CD track playback in presentation page.
- Added : Track fields in report.
- Added : Unicode support in export albums.
- Added : Slot No field in export albums.
- Added : Audio album location search button.
- Changed : Optimized audio track playback.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 2.3
November 29, 2015
- Added : Audio track playback in the presentation page.
- Added : Open audio album folder from the presentation page.
- Changed : Optimized freedb search for non english language entries.
- Fixed : The album cover mixing issue.
- Fixed : Blank medium title while adding new medium to a saved album.
What's new in Music Collection 2.2
October 05, 2015
- Added : Support to monkey audio(ape)files.
- Added : Italian language
- Added : The ability to check all albums in the scan files dialog.
- Added : Codepage conversion on freedb entry.
- Changed : Discogs search optimized.
- Fixed : Artist grouping sort problem.
- Fixed : Some bugs occuring when is used a language other than English.
What's new in Music Collection 2.1
August 17, 2015
- Added : Unicode support
- Added : French language
- Added : Ukrainian language
- Added : Russian language
- Added : New skinning capabilities.
- Changed : Album reports redesigned.
- Changed : Improved freedb search.
- Changed : Improved album cover searching in files.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 2.0
July 22, 2015
- Added : Multi-language support.
- Added : Spanish language
- Added : Greek language.
- Changed : The scan for audio files.
- Fixed : The select drive issue.
What's new in Music Collection 1.99
April 1, 2015
- Added : Scan a folder and add audio albums.
- Added : Reorder tracks in album properties.
- Added : Move tracks to another medium.
- Added : Eject button in toolbar.
- Added : Slot number field.
- Added : Web search by catalog number.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.98
February 11, 2015
- Added : Support for compilation album artists.
- Added : Multiple artist images.
- Added : Search artist on list.
- Added : Progressbar on tracklist loading.
- Changed : Program data management .
- Changed : Album rating setting.
What's new in Music Collection 1.97
November 30, 2014
- Added : The ability to create multiple backups.
- Added : Create new collection from backup.
- Added : Freedb query-add medium to an existing album.
- Changed : Backup now contains all the collection resources.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.96
September 22, 2014
- Added : Support to the Discogs json api.
- Added : Support to the Discogs Oauth authentication.
- Added : Grid layout management.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.95
August 20, 2014
- Added : Import from a text file.
- Added : Amazon data source in web search.
- Added : Album and track export in several formats.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.90
May 31, 2014
- Added : Album entry configuration on program settings.
- Added : The ability to insert or edit an artist manually.
- Added : Alphabetical artist grouping.
- Added : Backup/Restore the artist's database.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.89
April 11, 2014
- Added : Country field in albums.
- Added : Grid font and size selection option.
- Changed : Grid view appearance.
- Fixed : Some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.88
March 12, 2014
- Added : Remove current album collection.
- Fixed : Fail to save an audio file album, when title is not found in tags.
- Fixed : Fail to download album cover from Discogs due to API change.
What's new in Music Collection 1.87
January 09, 2014
- Added history list in loans.
- Added notes field in loans..
- Added the ability to change the album status from the main window.
- Changes in the print preview.
- Fixed the artist info download bug.
What's new in Music Collection 1.86
October 30, 2013
- Added next/previous button in the album properties.
- Added collection data in statistics.
- Added currency sign in the price fields.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.85
September 14, 2013
- Added automatic audio file album saving in database.
- Changes in the album presentation.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.84
July 31, 2013
- Added track list column configuration.
- Added pdf export configuration in the print preview.
- Reduced executable file size as result of the new way
used to export pdf files in print.
What's new in Music Collection 1.83
July 12, 2013
- Added the ability to insert up to 5 composers,
conductors and orchestras in classical music albums.
- Changes in advanced album search.
- Fixed the invalid date bug during startup that occured
in some user systems.
What's new in Music Collection 1.82
June 6, 2013
- Added text search on tables.
- Added album cover management.
- Added track list overview.
- Added report order by field.
What's new in Music Collection 1.81
March 19, 2013
- Added the discogs database to web search datasources.
- Added support for boxset albums in web search.
- Added album cover preview in web search.
What's new in Music Collection 1.80
February 17, 2013
- Added support for CD-TEXT.
- Added support for local freedb.
- Changes in the album properties.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.77
December 30, 2012
- Added CD drive selection.
- Added album presentation navigation.
- Added shortcut support to secondary forms.
What's new in Music Collection 1.76
November 22, 2012
- Added export to (html, excel, csv, txt) files.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.75
October 10, 2012
- Added support for proxy server.
- Freedb submit redesigned.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.74
August 29, 2012
- Added album submit to FreeDB.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.73
July 20, 2012
- Added sorting options in grid view.
- Visual enhancements.
What's new in Music Collection 1.72
July 8, 2012
- Added album sorting in images view.
- Added album type/artist role check.
- Added artist grouping in manage artists.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.70
April 26, 2012
- Added album info download by scanning its barcode.
- Added ability to define new medium formats.
- Database maintenance.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.65
March 22, 2012
- Added web search medium import to an already saved album.
- Added catalog number to album grid fields.
- Fixed some bugs.
What's new in Music Collection 1.60
February 15, 2012
- Added grid columns customization.
What's new in Music Collection 1.50
February 5, 2012
- Added album web search dialog.
- Fixed some bugs
What's new in Music Collection 1.40
What's new in Music Collection 1.30
December 24, 2011
- Added properties dialog.
- Fixed some bugs
What's new in Music Collection 1.28
December 09, 2011
- Fixed album cover deletion on adding the second album medium.
- Fixed duplicate album detection problem.
What's new in Music Collection 1.27
What's new in Music Collection 1.26
December 01, 2011
- Fixed date bug causing problem on saving albums on windows 7
What's new in Music Collection 1.25
What's new in Music Collection 1.24
November 10, 2011
- Added auto update
- Changed settings dialog
- Fixed browse for album cover
- Fixed some minor bugs
What's new in Music Collection 1.23
October 25, 2011
- Added album link field to webpage
- Fixed program hang on album data retrieval
- Fixed connection failure on album cover request
- Fixed some minor bugs
What's new in Music Collection 1.22
October 03, 2011
- Added grouping by title
- Added automatic cover download
- Some interface changes
- Fixed several bugs
What's new in Music Collection 1.21
September 24, 2011
- Fixed opening program with no collection defined
- Fixed overwriting of application data during installation
- Added option for checking current programs version
What's new in Music Collection 1.2
September 19, 2011
- Several program improvements
- Fixed printer orientation bug
- Fixed printing pie chart in statistics
- Added artist, genre lists